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Bring Back Busch Light Apple: An Open Letter From The People, For The People

Bring Back Busch Light Apple: An Open Letter From The People, For The People

Busch Light apple

Listen up Anheuser-Busch, the people have spoken and it's time you got to listening. It's no secret we're huge Busch Light fans around these parts. Crisp, light, refreshing, affordable, what's not to love, right? I'm sure a few craft beer aficionados are yanking off their ascots in an IPA rage right now but that's fine, we can do without them and that high and mighty pretense that comes with. If one line can sum up the Busch Light brand it would be "For The People," which I know is a corny local ambulance-chasing lawyer tag, but in this case it really does hold up. Busch knows their customer base and the causes that matter to them beyond the right to a quality cheap beer. Who can forget their "For The Farmers" corn cans or the iconic camo lineup that comes around each hunting season? They're also major supporters of outdoors enthusiasts and have released cans honoring anglers, which in my opinion are their prettiest. Let's not forget they also look out for those people, as frustrating as some of them are, who just don't like the taste of beer (cough cough, Jelly Roll), having released a few flavored products, like Peach and Apple (more on this soon), both of which are a great twist on the typically over-sugared, syrupy alternatives other brands put out. All of this to say, Busch Light just gets it, bringing me to the point at hand. A few weeks back, Busch got people all over the country shaking with excitement when they posted a not-so-subtle hint that Busch Light Apple might be making some sort of a return. https://twitter.com/BuschBeer/status/1848393816576770454?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1848393816576770454%7Ctwgr%5Ec62661370901460a694aacb6320cf45207c60ec8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.whiskeyriff.com%2F2024%2F10%2F21%2Fsocial-media-erupts-after-busch-light-teases-bringing-back-busch-light-apple%2F If you're reading this than likely you're already aware but Busch Light Apple was one of the greatest inventions in modern history. It still tasted like beer, real beer, with just enough apple flavor to make you want to bust out a flannel and start chopping logs for the winter. Busch Apple was first introduced in the summer of 2020 (remember the marketing promo of pallets getting delivered by helicopter?) as their first flavored beer and it was an immediate hit. People rushed to the store to grab a few cases and in seemingly no time stories were being swapped of the one had at an uncle's house and how their neighbor might be hiding a case in his garage. The product stayed seasonally in production through 2022, which they announced would be its final year. It still doesn't make sense to me why they got rid of Busch Light Apple in the first place. Maybe it was messing with overall production or wasn't as profitable on the backend but it sure as heck was popular with every person I've ever spoken to about it and most still talk about wanting to have it again. It's possible they were/still are flirting with the Taco Bell method of constantly bring menu items in and out (especially after releasing Busch Light Peach last summer) but if you've got a great product that a huge segment of your customer base starts craving every August, wouldn't you do everything in your power to provide it for them? Don't believe me about how intense the love of Busch Light Apple is? Take a look at some of these comments on their post from a few weeks ago... https://twitter.com/jetavner799/status/1848413856252711369 https://twitter.com/WIACSteve/status/1848399678137884838 https://twitter.com/hayesb_14/status/1848445422777651521 https://twitter.com/SerahRW/status/1848518619199668314 And there were many, many more where those came from. Let's bring this whole thing back home. Busch, you've always been the beer for the people. You've put your money where your mouth is (donating nearly a million dollars to Farm Rescue through corn-packaged case purchases alone), stayed loyal to your customer base, kept prices low, and have been there for us wherever we needed you, from the ballpark to the backyard. We're asking for just one more thing. Listen to the people and bring back Busch Light Apple. It doesn't have to be all year, we'll take a seasonal release! Make X number of cases, ship them out and be done with it if you have to, all we're asking for is a chance. A chance at turning a good night into a great one, to have an opportunity at slapping a red case down on the table and watching the boys erupt. I promise you that we, as loyal Busch drinkers, won't let you down. Bring Back Busch Light Apple. https://twitter.com/heelscentral/status/1848416533959074038 Shop the Busch Beer Collection from Whiskey Riff Shop https://www.instagram.com/p/DB7O7YpvPxf/

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