![Trump Supporter Hilariously Documents The Dirty Looks He Gets For Walking Around NYC In A MAGA Hat]()
![NYC MAGA Hat]()
Enemy territory.
Despite being a native New Yorker, Donald Trump isn't exactly the most popular person in NYC. Of course that's not really a surprise, given that New York is like most other major cities and leans extremely liberal.
Things did shift a little bit in Trump's direction with his win in the 2024 presidential election over Vice President Kamala Harris. Although NYC is still a Democrat stronghold, Harris only managed to get around 68% of the vote in the city's five boroughs, compared to the 76% that Joe Biden won in 2020. Overall, Trump received around 100,000 more votes in NYC in 2024 than he did in 2020, a trend that continued across the country as he won not only the electoral college but the popular vote.
But still, NYC isn't exactly "MAGA country" (and neither is Chicago, sorry Jussie Smollett).
So a TikToker decided to do a little experiment and film the dirty looks he got while walking around Manhattan in his Make America Great Again hat.
You've got to think that most of these people have never seen a MAGA hat in the wild, so it was probably a shock to their fragile little systems. But it's hilarious to see the dirty looks and scowls that the creator receives for simply wearing the hat of a candidate that they disagree with.
Of course with 100,000 new Trump voters in NYC it seems that some of his supporters are getting a little more brave and willing to express their support publicly. In the second video that was posted, the guy even runs into somebody else in a MAGA hat - though most of the other passersby seem less than pleased about the hat.
And in the third and final (so far) installment, one woman even says "ew" as he passes by. So much for the tolerant left.
@ccrizia Replying to @Lori | @LilHouseOnThePerry “tHeyRe jUst loOkiNg aT thE cAmeRa- tHey dOnt eVen Care”🥴 shot with Meta Glasses 🤓 @pauldipietro ♬ Funny - Gold-Tiger
Of course I'm sure many Trump supporters over the years have experienced these same reactions. Unless you live in a deep red area, there are probably a lot of Republicans around who are afraid to publicly show their support for Trump just because they don't want to deal with the hassle.
But it seems like things have changed lately. Even here in Nashville, which is a pretty liberal city even though it's in Tennessee, I've seen a lot more MAGA gear out in public. And of course on Broadway, you see quite a few Trump shirts from the college-aged crowd.
Still, NYC is probably the last place you'd expect to see a guy walking around in one of Trump's signature hats - and you can tell by the reactions this guy got that a lot of people still aren't happy about it.
Gonna be a rough four years for some people if they're that upset seeing MAGA hats...